Sharing Lives
A course to help Christians share their lives with Muslims
Introduction: Why Sharing Lives?
Don't judge a book by its cover
Assignment: Don't judge a book by its cover
Background of Islam in Europe
Islamophobia: its causes and consequences
Background of the course Sharing Lives
Our view of Islam
Assignment 1: Reflection on your view of Islam/Muslims
Dealing with our fear of Muslims/Islam_lessons from Isaiah
Assignment 2: reflection on the sovereignty of God in light of Islam
Assignment 3: Homework from lesson 1: prayer
Assignment 4: your description of grace
Understanding the grace of God
Assignment 5: the grace of God in the life of Jonah
Developing a grace response to Muslims
Assignment 6: lessons in grace from the parable of the prodigal son
Assignment 7: pray the prayer of Francis of Assisi
Jonah in Islam
Assignment 8: compare the story of Jonah in the Bible and in Islam
The religion of Islam: it's core beliefs and practices.
Assignment 9: Christianity and Islam compared
The Most High, a nasheed by Fathi
A Muslim raps: Why I hate religion but love Jesus
Assignment 10: Meeting with Muslims
Questions you might ask a Muslim
Assignment 11: Cornelius in Acts 10 and your Muslim friend
Incarnational Witness
Assignment 12: reflection on being an incarnational witness
More than dreams: conversion story of Khalil
Becoming a teacher of the course Sharing Lives